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Special Educational Needs


We believe that all children are regarded with equal value and children with special needs are supported and cared for depending on their requirements. The term ‘special needs’ is used to cover any specific difficulties, varying from slight developmental delay to children who require full time additional support. 



We encourage parents to provide packed lunches that include a healthy balance of different food groups. At snack times, we have a different theme each week and ask children to bring in a relevant offering that they can share with their friends at snack time. In this way, we can expose the children to such a broad and varied range of different foods, in the hope that they will try and enjoy something new. We always have milk and water at snack times, as well as fresh fruit. These times offer rich opportunities for children to develop an understanding of managing their own personal hygiene through washing hands before eating, independence through pouring their drink, spreading or buttering crackers / bread and choice through self-selection of foods. We cater for dietary requirements, allergies and intolerances to different types of food.

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